San Antonio Car Accident Lawyers | Essential Guides & Support
If you've been involved in a Car Accident in Texas, Mighty is your go-to resource for clear and comprehensive information to aid in your recovery, while helping you find {State, City} car accident lawyers.
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In 2021, San Antonio, Texas was hit by a startling 38,461 motor vehicle accidents, leaving 10,311 people with possible injuries (source). Such crashes create an immense impact on the lives of car accident victims and their families, touching their health, finances, and emotions.
If you're dealing with the aftermath of a motor vehicle crash, finding the right legal representation is crucial. Our attorney directory includes a selection of car accident attorneys and lawyers in the San Antonio area.

Josh Schwadron
Joshua is a lawyer and tech entrepreneur who speaks and writes frequently on the civil justice system. Previously, Joshua founded Betterfly, a VC-backed marketplace that reimagined how consumers find local services by connecting them to individuals rather than companies. Betterfly was acquired by Takelessons in 2014. Joshua holds a JD from Emory University, and a BA in Economics and MA in Accounting from the University of Michigan.

How much can you get from the average car accident settlement in Texas? Find out what the average settlement entails in this guide.

Luke Krolak
October 18, 2022

Wondering what to do after a car accident in Texas? Follow along for our tips on how to navigate the process after a car accident in Texas.

Luke Krolak
October 29, 2022

Is Texas a no-fault state for car accidents? If you’ve been in a car accident in Texas, read on to learn more about no-fault vs. at-fault scenarios.

Maly Ohrenschall
October 26, 2022

What should I do if I get in a car accident in San Antonio?
If a motor vehicle accident occurs in San Antonio, it is essential to stay at the scene and contact medical aid if needed. When the police arrive, they will compile an incident report which can prove invaluable in submitting an insurance claim. It is advised to take a photo of the point of impact, any damages, the license plates, and nearby signage. Also, make sure to write down testimonies from any witnesses along with their contact information.
Is San Antonio a no-fault city for car accidents?
Texas is an at-fault state for motor vehicle accidents. This means that if you're deemed responsible for a car accident, you'll have to cover any resulting medical expenses, injuries, wages lost, and emotional trauma suffered.
What is the average settlement for a car accident in San Antonio?
When settling San Antonio car accident cases, many elements must be considered. It has been estimated that up to 75% of personal injury cases lead to settlements of under $30,000. That said, settlements can be based on the seriousness of injuries, wages lost, the amount of pain endured, and other relevant factors.
Is hiring a car accident lawyer in San Antonio necessary?
Hiring a car accident lawyer in San Antonio can be beneficial in navigating the complexities of filing a car accident claim. While not required by law, legal assistance can help manage all relevant paperwork and important deadlines related to your case, and assist with any other required claims or court proceedings. With legal expertise, you can focus on recovery without being overwhelmed by the complexity of legal processes.
How much does a San Antonio car accident lawyer cost?
The cost of a car accident lawyer in San Antonio can vary. Many lawyers offer contingency fee arrangements, meaning you only pay if your case is successful. Typically, lawyers take a percentage of the settlement amount, which can vary depending on whether a lawsuit is filed and other factors.
What does the process of working with a car accident lawyer look like?
Working with a car accident lawyer typically begins with a consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation. Important documents such as vehicle crash reports, insurance details, and medical bills will be collected. A customized plan of action will be designed to start your recovery process, and a demand letter may be submitted to the insurer. The goal is to achieve a fair resolution, and if necessary, guide you through the lawsuit procedure.
How long will it take to investigate a claim in San Antonio?
The time it takes to investigate a car accident claim in San Antonio can vary based on several factors, including communication with your insurance provider and the complexity of the claim against the responsible driver.
Who pays for medical bills in a car accident in San Antonio?
In the event of a car accident in San Antonio, you or your insurance company are typically responsible for any immediate medical costs. The at-fault driver may be required to reimburse for damages, including medical expenses, after the conclusion of a lawsuit or settlement process. Compensation for losses suffered may be pursued as part of the resolution.